CAMH courses: Log in

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Is this your first time here?

To get full access to the course of your choice, simply fill in the Create new account form and follow the instructions on the email you receive to verify your account.

User accounts Privacy

Once you create your user account you will be able to:

●   Self-enrol in courses on this site
●   View your activity and quiz results
●   Track your course completion
●   Earn certificates

To receive certificates for all of our courses you must create an account and enroll yourself.

We are committed to providing participants with an environment that respects your privacy. We only use personal information for the express purpose for which it was collected, unless you specifically agree to the use of your personal information for additional purposes. To prevent unauthorized access and to ensure proper use of your personal information, we follow electronic and managerial procedures to secure information provided online. In addition, personal information will not be shared with any third party. Similarly, any data collected in questionnaires and surveys contained in this course will be utilized by CAMH to improve courses and future educational offerings.

These courses may contain links to other websites. Upon entering other sites, you are subject to the privacy and security policies of those sites.

For full access to this site, you first need to create an account.